Welcome to my new and redesigned website. I have recently changed hosting providers as I was unhappy with my previous company. I guess who it was doesn't really make a difference. For what I have this site for their costs were significantly higher and were increasing every year. As well, their site was constantly changing and it was difficult to navigate even for someone who has been using it for several years.
I understand they are a business and that's what they do, but they must also realize they aren't the only kids on the block. There are now many more choices than there used to be. My new hosting provider, Wix is much easier to use and for that reason alone I will likely be updating the site on a more frequent basis.
I hope you follow along on my writing journey. Drop me a note, a line or sing me a song...okay, you really don't have to sing a song but I'll take feedback on any and all my books and writings. That's how we as writers improve. Not everyone likes everything and I will take constructive criticism under consideration but I know you can't please all of the people all of the time.
Thanks for following.